Thursday, May 6, 2010

When in Rome...

So, have ya seen the latest outrage yet?

NBC News, Bay Area, San Francisco, May 6, 2010,
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Apparently, some students had to leave campus on the 5th of May for wearing an otherwise uncontroversial and perfectly legal and acceptable shirt representing the USA flag. On any other day of the year, it is perfectly OK, but on a Mexican holiday, (not recognized as such by the Federal, State or local government), the school officials decided it was just too "incindiary". On it's face, the very idea is disturbing. Might cause fights??? Is that not a recognition that there is something terribly wrong with a large segment of the school population?.... not to mention the judgement of the school officials, their own biases and priorities?

Well, it's California after all. We all know the Left coast has been off the reservation for so long now that there is just about nothing they do that would surprise us. A story like this one is a perfect example of why that is.

The 5th of May to most Americans means nothing more than a good excuse to stop off at their local Mexican food restaurant for some enchiladas and refried beans.... Maybe throw back some beers at their favorite pick-up joint. Of course, we can do that just about any old time anyhow, so what's so special to Americans, or shall I say more expressly, United States citizens, about a nationalistic Mexican celebration, their equivalent to our 4th of July, that most of them down there IN Mexico don't even pay much attention to? 

But, for some unexplainable reason, once a Mexican crosses the border into the United States, he suddenly develops a hyper sensitive identity crisis and is "offended" to the point of violence by the mere sight of an American flag on the 5th of May?  Ridiculous as this sounds, it is even more ridiculous for someone born in this country to have such a reaction and to feel "disrespected".

"I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn't do that on Fourth of July."

DISRESPECTED???!!!  Well, excuuuuuse me, young lady, but this is after all, still the US of A, last time I checked, and yes that does still include California...or most of it.  Parts of LA, I'm not so sure about these days....

As for her wearing a Mexican flag on the 4th of July, who would give a rip? Go ahead and WEAR ONE!! Make it into a freaking bikini and go strutin' across campus for all I care. Stick a fire cracker up your ass too, while you're at it. .... a very big one. Better yet, a piccolo pete would do nicely and much more befitting of your personality - a loud, whining, screaming mimie.

Then, of course, we must address the school official, a vice-principal Miguel Rodriguez, who decided to demand the removal of the USA flag attire, based on the fear of it causing a fight. I'd like to see someone stick a roman candle up his ass as he is tarred, feathered and run out of town on a really rough rail.

"the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus."

So, due to their "heritage" this select group of students are somehow immune to civil discourse or normal behavior standards? We must treat them on one day of the year as if they are such sensitive children, we must all walk on eggs lest they have a temper tantrum and go off and stab somebody?

If the school didn't allow any political displays, no gang affiliations or colors, no religious expressions and didn't pander to any particular "heritage" other than USA heritage, maybe this little problem would not have reared its ugly head. Maybe if the school system was not engaged in a deconstructivist agenda to denigrate THIS country and it's heritage, perhaps these Americans of another heritage wouldn't be so quick to adopt another country's cultural identity. When in Rome, do as the Romans do or you'll find yourself mucking out their toilets for a living.....if you're lucky. If you're not, well, there may be an opening down at the Coliseum in a lion act......and not as a handler.

I blame the school for allowing the celebration of another sovereign nation's revolution or even the recognition of such on school grounds. Put the kids in uniforms, orange jumpsuits would be appropriate, and make them swear allegiance to the flag of THIS COUNTRY every day. Perhaps that would remind them all where the hell they are and who the hell they are and who the hell is paying for their free freaking education!!

And fire the school administrators responsible for this offensive affront to OUR COUNTRY for "disrespecting us in OUR OWN COUNTRY and causing the situation in the first place by pandering to the nationalistic celebration of another country by a select group, (bigotry much?).  

If schools wish to devote some class time to the mention of Cinco de Mayo as it relates to a general discussion of  other cultures or the relevance of the history of Mexico as it relates to OUR OWN, that would not be a problem. It is when it is allowed to become a celebration on campus equal to, if not bigger and more sacred than the 4th of July, then we have a serious problem.

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