Thursday, May 13, 2010

slip, slip, slippin' away

.....down that slippery slope of smarmy slime. Oh, how their loins ache to do good - to make the World better. They devote their lives to tearing down institutional walls of oppression, and erecting instead, laws of oppression for the "common good". Never mind the will of the common majority or common sense or even Common Law. They are doing good, so, just go screw yourselves, you gun toting, Bible thumpin' flag wavers. Mama knows best what's good for ya, and now she's got herself, or shortly will have, a brand new black robe and she's gonna grease the skids on that slippery slope straight toward dominatrix despotism. Yeehaw! Slap my ass and call me Judy! Or, Elena, as it were.

Yep, hold onto yer hats, boys, this is gonna be one hell-of-a ride. Before this Mother of all Activist Lesbos is through re-interpreting your Rights, you'll be lucky if you can walk down the street without a leash and collar held firmly by your feminist mastress. A stone cold liberal with a life time license to reek havoc on the Constitution in the name of “doing good” would be bad enough. But this one is special. This one doesn’t even like “us“ in, “us” men.

Either that or, after 50 years and almost as many college degrees, she still hasn’t somehow been able to find a man she was willing to shack up with on a permanent, or apparently even on a temporary basis. ...... not that there’s anything wrong with that..... But, let’s face it. Rumors and speculation aside, that seems to indicate a very strong aversion to “us” if nothing else, if you know what I mean......not that there’s anything wrong with that.

That being the case, and it appears that it is, the prospect of her sitting on the Supreme Court for the next 30+ years is enough to give me a severe case of shrinkage.... not to mention a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I see the face that only a pet gerbil could lick.

The Supreme Court is supposed to interpret the Constitution. But, as we all know, Liberals consider that notion just all soooo 200 years ago. These hard core Lefty do-gooders see it quite differently. Kagen is quoted as saying, “I think all of us were right to say, ‘Here are the cases which the court is likely to do good things with from your perspective, and here are the ones where they’re not‘.” Therefore, it doesn’t matter that they are supposed to merely interpret the Constitution, she thinks her job is to use her power to “do good”, as her “hero” and mentor Justice Marshall would want. It’s all part and parcel of that whole “social justice” thing. Use the power of government to do social work, to right wrongs, spread the wealth and most importantly, to protect us from ourselves, because we aren’t as enlightened as they are.

So just forget about all that founding fathers stuff. Constitution? What’s that? 2nd Amendment? Phooey! Nonsense! “The people”? Oh, obviously that silly old term means “an army of people” like, eh,...a militia....or, something. Arms? Well, that obviously was an old old term going back to ancient Greek times and has always meant an army of arms. To take up arms meant that the local King would give their peasants arms to protect “him”, not themselves, Oh No. No no no. To “keep and bear arms” only means that the government can keep them and just pass them out in an emergency.

I think it’s about time to start digging that hole now to store all of our stuff that Kagen and her army of do-gooders will be trying to take away from us.... for our own good, of course.

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