Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It’s just the 500 lb gorilla in the room, stupid

And I don’t mean Kagen. It’s the other hairy, hulking, reeally obvious hot potato everyone is tip toeing around.

The White House is denying it. Politico is denying it. 40 paid witnesses are denying it. Fox Snooze is afraid to mention it. They know what’s up and they’re just bustin’ at the seems hoping someone else breaks the story because they’re too chicken to say it and it’s such a great story! It took me about 30 seconds to Google: “Kagen, lesbian“, and I had all the information I needed to make a fairly accurate assessment of her orientation.... not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But, apparently, back at Harvard, it’s just common knowledge. She’s a lesbian! OK, there. I said it. So, today we have this picture of her playing softball on the cover of the Wall Street Journal and it’s all the rage. The Left is going cookoo for coconuts accusing the WSJ of some subliminal suggestion that, OH MY GOD, Kagen is a lesbian, as if it was ever in doubt. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, Sherlock. Like I said, it took me about 30 seconds, (with a slow connection), to confirm my suspicions and I hadn’t even seen that picture of her playing softball. ... but, I knew she was fond of playing it.

Maybe I’m just more astute at these things than all these other folks but I kinda had a suspicion just from looking at her face and then her hard core Leftist politics, her crusade against the Military because of don’t-ask-don’t-tell and viola’, I was dead on target. Well, whut’dya know ‘bout that?  The only evidence missing from that resume was a stint at Planned Parenthood and membership in NOW.

But, oh what a wicked web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. This whole little episode was so obviously orchestrated by the savvy spin scheisters in the Obama liars den, that only a typical Democrat voter couldn’t see the strategy. They picked her because of her orientation in the hopes that the Right-wingers would be caught in the same kind of political correctness trap that Obama used to insulate himself from any and all criticism. If we disagree with her qualifications, it’s because we are just bigots.

It’s a hell-of-a good plan. It almost always works. But this time it was really special because they all knew it, of course, (how could they not?), but they just sat back and pretended not to know it. She’s not only a lesbian, but she’s a closet lesbian. She has total immunity from even the slightest speculation or innuendo. i.e. the softball photo. At least with Obama, nobody could deny his blackness, even though he’s really only half black, but any criticism drew immediate race card privileges from the Left.

I can just see the confirmation hearings now, if some Republican Senator brings up her extra curricula activities, HE’S A BIGOT! He made references to softball! If a Republican Senator asks Kagen how she feels about gays in the military, HE’S A BIGOT! If any Republican Senator even says the word Military, HE’S A BIGOT. He mentioned the Military which is code for “lesbo hates military“! They probably better not even mention Harvard because everyone knows the place is full of lesbos.... BIGOT!! HE MENTIONED HARVARD!!!!

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