Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

In the wake of a tsunami of financial disaster brought about by big government socialist spending, the European true believers in Orwellian global government double down, calling for even more regulation and Keynesian control of the economy. "European Central Bank chief Jean-Claude Trichet insisted Saturday that the euro was a credible currency but said tighter regulation was needed of banks, markets and government policies."

Meanwhile, back at the bunker....... by a narrow margin, the German Reichstag voted to approve the bailout of Greece, as the German people begin to wax sentimental about the good old days of the Deutschmark and zipping down the autobahn in their expensive, new BMWs on their way to enjoy their 6 week paid vacation. Their institutionalized guilt for the crimes of their forefathers  however, has finally put them in the passenger's seat of an over-priced, over- regulated Yugo, speeding toward the edge of an economic precipice. There is an increasing sentiment among Germans that, "to make up for its warmongering past, [Germany] shouldered the burdens of the European project. For decades it funded the largest share of Europe's bulging budgets and grand schemes, putting its own interests second."

The last time the Germans started feeling this way, the US had to go over there and rescue Europe from them. But, instead of learning from history, the Politburo comrades in control of our government are just adding lighter fluid to the global debt bonfire, sending money we don't have to bailout the failed European experiment with socialism they can't afford.

Will they never learn? Will they never accept the obvious conclusion that governments are really lousy at business? And when will the common people ever learn that politicians are not to be trusted behind closed doors, especially when the People's wealth is concerned and especially if there's an economist in the room? "No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."- Mark Twain

But the beat goes on. The drums of the true believers beat out the rhythm of the march toward totalitarian socialism, and all the while they keep up the insulting charade that it is all being done in the name of "democracy". After all, aren’t they elected officials just doing the will of the voters? Well, not exactly. They might have been elected, but by whom and for what purpose? Are the people getting what they voted for? Do they know where these pied pipers are leading them? Do they really understand what all this economic mumbo jumbo actually means for the average Joe? Will it take another World war to stop this suicidal march?

The Germans are beginning to figure it out and they’re getting damn tired of footing the bill -  paying the pensions of Greek hair dressers to retire at age 50. And they’re damn tired of having their noses rubbed in the crimes of their ancestors, just as Americans are getting damn tired of having their noses rubbed in the crimes of their ancestors. White guilt is driving the politics of socialism, both here and in Europe. Guilt is a powerful emotion and therefore a powerful tool, but so is anger. At some point, artificially imposed guilt used to oppress and control society produces resentment and then anger and then rage. Europe is about to explode as it has done over and over in the past and it will surely spread to this country as it always has. Let us hope that the only casualties will be the careers of the politicians that have used guilt as a weapon to enrich themselves and maintain their corrupt power structure.

It is time to put an end to the politics of guilt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bravo, mein freund... bravo!