Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It says here....

When I was in college I had a professor who would start each class holding up the newspaper and pointing to it as he said: "It says here...". And, then he'd read the article from which he'd segue into his lesson of the day.

Well, “it says here”…. , “Air ban led by flawed computer models”. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0821cc00-4bb5-11df-9db6-00144feab49a.html

Apparently, the European Union authorities' decision to ban all air traffic was based on nothing but pure hype and over reaction. Sounds to me like the kind of thing governments normally do. Sounds an awful lot like the global warming scam. No real, actual science to it, just a lot of hot air, speculation and panic, mixed with some down right conspiratorial politics and totalitarian socialism. This is also the same EU whose member countries embrace all sorts of socialist ideas including single payer (government) health care.

The upside of all those stranded travelers sleeping in terminals for no good reason, is that maybe they’ll start to have second thoughts about this orwellian European Union that has such unaccountable power over every aspect of life. One mistake like this can do serious damage to the economy and bankrupt companies in a hurry. With the EU economies teetering on the edge of bankruptcy and chaos themselves, they can’t afford to make mistakes based on flawed computer models.

It reminds me of the way governments reacted to the mad-cow episode. Based on mere suspicion and out right fear of the unknown, they ordered the mass slaughter of livestock at a cost of god-knows-how-much to the industries affected and the tax payers as well, through higher prices for everything from leather goods to meat products and higher government costs to oversee the slaughter. If livestock owners were reimbursed, care to guess who paid for that?

Is it any wonder socialist governments all over the world are going bankrupt? Hey, Earth to politicians, try Capitalism and freedom. IT WORKS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

H1N1, Tea Party Violence, the world will come to and end if we do not pass this RIGHT NOW...Oh how proud would Goebels be today only to know that he was right...the bigger the lie...the more that will believe...Le Vache Qui Ri....Brave Heart