Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stop The Insanity. I Want To Get Off!!

Where does it all end? Or, more to the point, will it ever end? Is there no end to the lunacy?

There seems to be an endless chain of events that make life ever more depressing, and often infuriating. Even a bit of good news, a brief light at the end of the dark tunnel of despair is tainted with uncertainty and is quickly extinguished with another wave of the daily salvos of insanity from the news Media.

As I sit and watch the cable news, I am forced to just shake my head and say over and over, "unbelievable", because it is. So much of what we are treated to every day, all day, is truly unbelievable from any rational, common sense analysis; everything from public schools handing out condoms and refusing to allow the pledge of allegiance to the flag, or even allowing the flag in the classroom, to the Gulf oil spill fiasco where the myriad of government agencies are actually a hindrance to the cleanup rather than an asset. The Coast Guard, the EPA, OSHA, not to mention the President and all his political hacks, are actually making the situation worse with red tape and bureaucratic inefficiency. On day 66 of the spill, a tanker capable of skimming 500,000 barrels of oil per day sat idle in a harbor due to government red tape and perhaps political shenanigans. I want to know who is the stupid, bureaucrat SOB responsible for this delay? I want his or her head to roll, but all I get for my rage is another wave of headlines that wash more insanity across the days of our lives. Stop showing us pictures of the oily turtles and a few more pictures of these damn bureaucrats that can't get their heads out of their own pompus asses. It’s unbelievable.

All we really know for certain is the reality that millions of gallons of oil are now washing up on the beaches and swamps of the Gulf states and the government is incapable of stopping it. The Leftists who champion big government are understandably quiet about this obvious exposure of the failings of their sacred ideology. The Media, most of whom are Leftists, aren’t concerned either about this glaring evidence of the abject failure of government to respond to this disaster and all the others. So, we are treated to endless pontifications about the dire seriousness of the spill to the precious environment with all the proper inflammatory adjectives and predictions of environmental and shrimp boat Armageddon, but very little about the fact that the President and all the king’s men could not put humpty-dumpty back together again. The myth of the omnipotence of big government to solve all problems, large and small has been busted for all the World to see.

The other big disaster, the Man caused economic disaster, is not recovering either, despite the $billions that Obama has wasted, just as we conservatives predicted, but still the Leftists persist with their insane plans for more deficit spending. Out of one side of their mouth they give lip service to deficit reduction while making plans to raise taxes and continue spending. The market continues to sputter and fall, and along with it the life savings and standard of living of millions of people. Jobs continue to evaporate with the hot air of political rhetoric about who’s to blame and who’s really trying to help the “little people”. With every down day on the Market, Obama gives another vapid speech at another phony pep rally, a few more million gallons of oil wash up on the Gulf coast, more jobs are lost and the Left marches on, attacking the flag, God, marriage, the borders, our national sovereignty and common sense. Unbelievable.....

And, in the midst of all this insanity and chaos, a few more of our nation’s finest give their all in the sands of a wasteland thousands of miles from home. More is said about a few oily pelicans than is said about the lost lives of our soldiers in the God forsaken deserts of Afghanistan and Iraq. More is made of the career of some politician general and a fat, ugly homosexual, socialist Supreme Court appointee than is said about a brave, dying soldier lying face down in the sand; his life’s blood draining rapidly out of his body for a cause that he no longer can explain. It’s complicated. It’s tough. It’s going to be a long slog, the generals and politicians say. And more and more it’s beginning to look like just another Vietnam with no end in sight and no honorable way out. What a useless way to die. When will it all end?

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