Saturday, July 3, 2010

The meaning of “is” is.....

Ah Bubba Clinton.... ain’t he some politician? He’s still at it....still out there parsing those words; finding more cleaver new definitions of words like “is”, “bribe” and “fleeting association”. He’s so good at turning a sow’s ear into a silk purse that most of the Media don’t even notice much anymore. We’ve come to expect it from our highest elected officials. It’s almost as if we want to be lied to and deceived by these loveable ol’ scumbags, liars and cheats and even our sweet, lovin'  KKK.

"He once had a fleeting association with the Ku Klux Klan, what does that mean? I'll tell you what it means. He was a country boy from the hills and hollows from West Virginia. He was trying to get elected," former President Bill Clinton said of Sen. Robert Byrd.
Robert Byrd, also known as: Exalted Cyclops of the KKK. certainly did have a “fleeting association” with the Klan. His “fleeting association” was fleeting enough for him to rise through the ranks of the Klan to the fleeting title of Exalted Cyclops. I don’t think this title is given to just anyone who has a “fleeting association” with the Klan. I think they probably reserve that title for guys who really embrace the principles and objectives and beliefs. And I also think that the ol’ Cyclops was looking for more than just to get elected back in those days when he joined the Klan.

Bubba Clinton, the originator of the ‘Definition of Is’ doctrine of American jurisprudence and other such infamous legalizing contortions as the ‘definition of alone’, may actually want to believe that the Exalted Cyclops Robert Byrd was just acting out of pure love for Blacks when he filibustered the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but then we’d have to pin him down on what exactly the definition of ‘love’ and perhaps ‘civil’ is.

The rest of us aren’t so conflicted, however, as to the definitions of these words and certainly “fleeting” can’t possibly be construed to mean anything close to Robert Byrd’s association with the Klan or it’s beliefs. As late as 1965, the ol’ Cyclops was still showing signs of his true colors and black wasn’t part of the pallet.

But suddenly, and we don’t need Bubba to define ‘suddenly’, The ol Cyclops became the champion of Blacks and other minorities and all things Civil Rights. The Democrat Party was a changin’ and he wanted to ride that gravy train a while longer.

And ride that train he did, for over half a century, toeing the party line and tempering his blatantly segregationist views. Amazing as it is, a man once called the Exalted Cyclops of the KKK, was buried with the highest national honors, his coffin draped with the US flag, not the Confederate flag, as would have been his un-tempered wish. And with the respect normally reserved for national heroes and Presidents, great fanfare, pomp and circumstance, speech making and Media fawning, the “reformed” former member of the Klan, Democrat Senator Robert Byrd was carried into the Capitol building to lie in state. How fitting it is to lie in state after having lied to the state for half a century.

Well, it all depends on what your meaning of “lie” is and I’m pretty sure Clinton is working that one over in his head right now.

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