Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Feds return to Jim Crow, but with a twist

From the "things that make your head explode" file.....

"PORT CHESTER, N.Y. – Voters in Port Chester, 25 miles northeast of New York City, are electing village trustees for the first time since the federal government alleged in 2006 that the existing election system was unfair. Federal Judge Stephen Robinson approved a remedy suggested by village officials: a system called cumulative voting, in which residents get six votes each." (click here for article)

He said, in effect, that a community made up of 50% Hispanics where white candidates always won the elections, somehow violated the Voting Rights Act.

SAY WHAT???!!! Yep, that's right. This white hating Federal Judge, like many Federal Judges, is so brainwashed by the reverse discrimination logic of fairness, that there is nothing too ridiculous or unfair to whites that he won't approve of it.  If it harms whites and favors some other ethnic group, it's just hunky dory with him. And, because he's a Judge, that makes it all legal.

Of course, "Hispanic" is not a race, but since Judge Robinson is legislating from the bench under the guise of "racial equality" in approving this ridiculous bastardization of the voting system, then I guess we can refer to it as racism. We'll just call him a damn racist because there is no other way to describe a manipulation of the voting system to give one race an advantage, however slight, over another. By giving every resident 6 votes, including whites apparently, he reasoned that since Hispanics will naturally vote in a block for Hispanic candidates, they would increase their representation beyond their actual voting numbers to elect more Hispanic candidates to public office.

First of all, why does he believe that just having more Hispanic people in office will somehow be better for society? Is that not racist on its face? What's next, Judge, Hispanic "preferred" restaurants and bathrooms? I know, that's a ways down the slippery slope, but the Jim Crow laws that prevented colored folks from voting in the South did not all happen overnight either.

Why not cut to the chase, Judge, and just approve the ol' Jim Crow poll tax but this time make it harder for non-Hispanics to vote because they make too much money? Just say that if you make more than Hispanics make on average, you only get one vote and they all get 6 votes each. It's no different and much more direct and efficient. It'd be easy to do. Just use the $14 billion 2010 census data.

"The 15th Amendment, ratified on February 3, 1870, provided that the right of U.S. citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. The Congress was given the authority to enforce those rights and regulate the voting process. From 1890 to 1908, however, 10 Southern states wrote new constitutions with provisions that included literacy tests, poll taxes, and grandfather clauses that permitted otherwise disqualified voters whose grandfathers voted (thus allowing some white illiterates to vote), some with the aim and effect of re-imposing racially motivated restrictions on the voting process that disfranchised blacks."

But all the Jim Crow laws are now illegal and there is nothing preventing anyone from voting. Nothing has changed with the voting system to make it unfair since the Voting Rights Act. Every US citizen has the same voting rights as anyone else. If they choose not to exercise those rights for whatever reason except intimidation, like, a couple of Black Panther thugs armed with clubs blocking the entrance to a polling place, it's their choice. It's not racism if they are just too lazy or ill informed to vote. We shouldn't give everyone 6 votes in some lame attempt to make it easier to elect minorities.

 If you think having more of one color of people and less of another color in public office is better for the country, then you need to have your union thugs and ACORN go out and get more of the proper colored folks registered and bussed to the polls on election day. That's how the race pimps have always done it, so why not just continue what works? You don't need to cheat the system or rig elections, not that the race pimps are necessarily above that either, but it's harder and it might embarrass your community activist leaders if you get caught.

But, as always, the racists are never satisfied with equal. They want an edge. So, they now have a scheme to make sure their color gets over represented and they can be sure to win more elections. Welcome to the new, improved Jim Crow era once again.

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