Thursday, May 27, 2010

Just suck the damn oil!

The pressures of the office are apparently taking their toll on the Messiah. Recently, he showed his frustration at not being able to wave his hand and make the waters part and flew off the handle at his aides saying, "Plug the damn hole!"

He was obviously referring to the hole in the Gulf oil well gushing black gooey stuff all over the poor defenseless sea creatures, making it damn hard to find fresh shrimp for the White House dinner parties and messing up his fund raising schedule. Well that's certainly understandable. I feel your pain, Messiah. It's tough to be the King and even tougher to be the Messiah especially when your awesome powers fail you just when you need them the most.

With every passing day, more of that crude is washing up on shore and a few more of your loyal toe suckers, like James Carville are losing their minds on national TV, screaming for you do something and saying, “We’re about to die down here!”

Earth to Carville: Look in the mirror. You died a long time ago. Get back in your crypt. Nobody said your name 3 times.

But, the Messiah keeps repeating his mantra that the federal response was right there from day one. Oh no, they never do nothin’ wrong. They were all over it but it was all Bush’s fault. And, of course that evil, greedy “big oil” British Patroleum lied about the extent of the gusher, a mile down below the surface, which makes it impossible to estimate anything with any degree of accuracy. Nobody knows how much oil is out there, but one thing is certain. The Messiah is stuck to this tar baby for the duration of his now almost certain one term presidency.

One thing that is sure to haunt him like a spell from a voodoo witchdoctor is the fact that it is becoming increasingly clear Obama's administration was powerless to stop the oil from reaching the coast. The environmental catastrophe predicted from the moment the news of the oil leak broke has begun to take place and whatever the almighty government did manage to do was not enough. Big Mommy government was a complete and utter failure.

It didn’t have to happen. At least, it didn’t have to be as bad as it will likely be before it’s over. There is a way to recover most of the oil and it has been done before, in the Persian Gulf. The problem is, nobody will listen to the suggestion. The technique is simple. Just pump it out of the water and into waiting tankers. Separate the oil from the water and voila. No more oil spill.

Nick Pozzi, who was an engineer with Saudi Aramco in the Middle East when he says an accident there in 1993 generated a spill far larger than anything the United States has ever seen. “By employing a fleet of empty supertankers to suck crude off the water's surface, Pozzi's team was not only able to clean up the spill, but also salvage 85 percent of the oil.” The trouble is, nobody will listen to his suggestion. So, all the king’s men and all the king’s scientists could not put humpty dumpty together again and all because they think they know better than some oil guy who has actually done it before. hmmmm...... Is that not the height of arrogance? And is that not just so typical of this Administration?

The Messiah was asked specifically in his press conference about the use of tankers to skim the oil and he totally ignored the question. He did spend lots of time, however, explaining how much he and his administration care about the situation and how important it is and how it is their top priority.... uh huh..... yeah, we’ve noticed....zzzzzzzz... At one point in the press conference I thought he was going to break down into tears talking about the poor oil covered birds and turtles. I guess he was thinking about all those enviro-wacko votes he’s losing over all this. It’s enough to make a grown politician cry.

His press conferences are enough to make a normal human puke. It's a good thing he quit doing them.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Oh what a wicked web we weave....

Oh shock! The US Border Patrol is unionized.  Imagine that, a federal agency is unionized, which explains why 20 thousand US Border Patrol agents can’t adequately patrol the southern border. But wait, it gets better. It’s a law enforcement agency of the federal government and it’s employees are represented by an affiliate of the AFL-CIO. Why is that important? The head of the AFL-CIO is one violent union thug Richard Trumka, a far Left ideological socialist, Obama supporter and consistent basher of Palin, Limbaugh and Beck. In a recent rabble rousing speech reminiscent of the Munich Beer Hall speeches of another Worker’s Party socialist, Adolf Hitler, Trumka stated:

Progressive change? Isn’t that the new code word for socialism? No wonder Trumka hates Beck and Palin and Limbaugh. They have decoded the code word and are alerting the country to what these crypto-fascists are up to.

That is who the AFL-CIO is and that is who it’s President is. They are socialists, plain and simple and they use any kind of social discontent to further their radical ends. Hitler used the resentment against the Jewish bankers in the 1930s and blamed the economic depression on the capitalists. Sound familiar? Trumka uses our current economic disaster to demonize the bankers and Wall Street capitalists and white racists, and conveniently ignores the true culprits, the architects of big government interventionism like Barney Franke and unions like the AFL-CIO!

Jumping on the racial profiling bandwagon to capitalize on the inflammatory nature of the issue, the AFL-CIO has written a long letter to the head of Homeland In-security, Janet, “the system worked” Napolitano voicing its strong opposition to the Arizona immigration enforcement law. Oh shock! A union is opposed to immigration enforcement! Well, it should come as a shock, because it is the “workers” who are being displaced by illegal immigration. It is the worker’s wages that are being lowered by illegal immigration. Why then would the most powerful union in the country be opposed to stopping illegal immigration? Because racism sells. It worked for Hitler didn’t it? The union needs a common enemy against which to unite it’s members and rouse them to angry action, like marches through town to demonstrate their strength in numbers and intimidate their illusionary enemies. He’s looking for votes and militants to use as his brown shirt enforcers to further the agenda of the Leftist, (“workers of the world unite”).

So, we have a desperate situation on the southern border and our federal agency tasked with the responsibility to patrol that border and enforce the immigration laws is hamstrung by the fact that they are represented by a socialist run union of violent thugs who use intimidation and big government ties to enforce their power. It’s all starting to make sense. The US Border Patrol has been unionized and cannot possibly do it’s job, even if the rank and file wanted to. The union won’t allow it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

In the wake of a tsunami of financial disaster brought about by big government socialist spending, the European true believers in Orwellian global government double down, calling for even more regulation and Keynesian control of the economy. "European Central Bank chief Jean-Claude Trichet insisted Saturday that the euro was a credible currency but said tighter regulation was needed of banks, markets and government policies."

Meanwhile, back at the bunker....... by a narrow margin, the German Reichstag voted to approve the bailout of Greece, as the German people begin to wax sentimental about the good old days of the Deutschmark and zipping down the autobahn in their expensive, new BMWs on their way to enjoy their 6 week paid vacation. Their institutionalized guilt for the crimes of their forefathers  however, has finally put them in the passenger's seat of an over-priced, over- regulated Yugo, speeding toward the edge of an economic precipice. There is an increasing sentiment among Germans that, "to make up for its warmongering past, [Germany] shouldered the burdens of the European project. For decades it funded the largest share of Europe's bulging budgets and grand schemes, putting its own interests second."

The last time the Germans started feeling this way, the US had to go over there and rescue Europe from them. But, instead of learning from history, the Politburo comrades in control of our government are just adding lighter fluid to the global debt bonfire, sending money we don't have to bailout the failed European experiment with socialism they can't afford.

Will they never learn? Will they never accept the obvious conclusion that governments are really lousy at business? And when will the common people ever learn that politicians are not to be trusted behind closed doors, especially when the People's wealth is concerned and especially if there's an economist in the room? "No man's life, liberty, or property are safe while the legislature is in session."- Mark Twain

But the beat goes on. The drums of the true believers beat out the rhythm of the march toward totalitarian socialism, and all the while they keep up the insulting charade that it is all being done in the name of "democracy". After all, aren’t they elected officials just doing the will of the voters? Well, not exactly. They might have been elected, but by whom and for what purpose? Are the people getting what they voted for? Do they know where these pied pipers are leading them? Do they really understand what all this economic mumbo jumbo actually means for the average Joe? Will it take another World war to stop this suicidal march?

The Germans are beginning to figure it out and they’re getting damn tired of footing the bill -  paying the pensions of Greek hair dressers to retire at age 50. And they’re damn tired of having their noses rubbed in the crimes of their ancestors, just as Americans are getting damn tired of having their noses rubbed in the crimes of their ancestors. White guilt is driving the politics of socialism, both here and in Europe. Guilt is a powerful emotion and therefore a powerful tool, but so is anger. At some point, artificially imposed guilt used to oppress and control society produces resentment and then anger and then rage. Europe is about to explode as it has done over and over in the past and it will surely spread to this country as it always has. Let us hope that the only casualties will be the careers of the politicians that have used guilt as a weapon to enrich themselves and maintain their corrupt power structure.

It is time to put an end to the politics of guilt.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

That giant flushing sound

If you've been wondering what that giant flushing sound coming out of the federal government is, it's the sound of liars, traitors and other various career political suck-ups being flushed out of the woodwork. The list is long and getting longer - from a career politician claiming falsely to have been a Vietnam vet, to a State Department closet socialist who tries to equate the human rights record of Communist China to the US.

Barely a day goes by that some slimy, slithering political hack doesn't step up to the microphones and declare his or her allegiance to the almighty Party of Pathetic Partisanship with some twisted logic regarding illegal immigration or just to defend his record of lies. And maybe it's just a coincidence, but the one common theme among them is that they are all Democrats and almost every one of them has some kind of law degree. I think I see a pattern here.

The latest hack to step up and take one for the Party is law scum John Morton, assistant secretary of homeland security for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement,( ICE). He believes that it is his job to declare his purely political opinion on how to best handle the illegal immigration situation and that, of course, is to tell Arizona to go to hell. He doesn't believe it's the responsibility of ICE to actually enforce the federal laws unless they "feel" like it. In his words, "his agency will not necessarily process illegal immigrants referred to them by Arizona authorities."

If a private citizen makes a proper and legal citizen's arrest, that citizen is required by law to turn that arrested person over to the proper authorities who are required to accept custody of that person. They do not have the discretion to decide whether or not to accept the arrested person. They can only determine if it was a legal arrest and then they must either cite and release or book that person. Apparently, Mr. Morton doesn't think "his agency" should have the same legal responsibility as every other law enforcement agency in the country to accept legally arrested suspects. Imagine if the county jail suddenly decided not to accept prisoners from the local police department.

The Arizona immigration law has not been tested in the courts. Until it is tested, it is lawful for Arizona law enforcement officials to deliver illegals to ICE. ICE will be negligent if it refuses to accept illegals properly detained and delivered to that agency, particularly when the illegals detained have been confirmed as illegals by ICE themselves! There is a federal statute that required ICE to cooperate with local law enforcement in the sharing of information on legal status. [CITE: 8USC1373(c)]

 The entire premise upon which the constitutional arguments against the Arizona law are based revolve around the supremacy clause which has been used to give the Federal government exclusive power to enforce immigration law. This is based in large part on the fact that the federal government has always fulfilled that responsibility or pre-empted the field. If it suddenly and for no other reason than partisan political necessity begins to neglect that responsibility and leaves the field open, how can they continue to invoke the supremacy and pre-emption clauses?

This, of course, is for the courts to decide and there is little doubt that this battle will end before the Supreme Court has had it's say. Until that time, I hope Arizona starts piling these illegal immigrants on the doorstep of ICE until it begins to look like a Cinco de Mayo celebration at a Walmart 25% off sale.

When ICE is knee deep in unprocessed illegals, and Mr. Morton comes out and says "his agency" won't take them, the American People will be demanding some answers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A wond-a-ful day in da neigh-ba-hood.....

Mis-ta Pres-a-dent, can you say, radical Islamic terrorist? Dats what Mr. Robinson would say. And he would get lots of laughs from all da boys and girls. Welcome to Mis-ta Robinson's neigh-ba-hood.

But, unlike that Mis-ta Robinson's neigh-ba-hood,  the punchline these days ain't so funny - it stinks. And, just when you think it can't get any worse, the awful reality of what we are facing just hits you like the smell of a putrid, rotting carcass on a hot summer day. Try as you may to ignore it, or avoid it, the smell of this putrid carcass just keeps getting worse and will continue to do so until it is either hauled off and buried or until nature runs it course. Since our political system doesn't allow for the former until 2012, it looks like we're just going to have to hold our noses until the rotting carcass of Mr. Obamination's neighb-a-hood  has run it's course. Let's all just hope we don't all contract typhus from it.

It is possible, however,  and becoming more likely every day that this stinker of a Presidency and it's Democrat bootlickers in Congress might just bury itself. It appears quite capable of doing just that. Barely a day goes by that there isn't another shovel full of dirt that gets heaved onto that rotting political carcass in the form of another mistake in judgement, gaff, or admitted ignorance, or just plain old Democrat hypocrisy reeking of putrid irony.

And this day was no different. The President, (and I used the term loosely), did again what he does best. He took out a few pens and signed another law. Glory hallelujah! Praise be to the great Messiah. He got up, had his morning coffee, admired his image in the toilet bowl and gave away some more of the nation's wealth that we didn't have. So, what's new about that? What's a few more millions or billions when our debt is $13 trillion? Hell, we're so far in debt we'll never be able to pay it off, so why not just party down, bro?!! Grab another brewsky out da fridge and kick back. Have a damn summit, man. Yeah, spread dat wealth!

And, like all the other days when he was giving away money we don't have for shit we don't need, the media made a big deal out of it. Except they didn't explain it quite the way they should have, in terms of adding more debt.  OH, NO. They made it look like he was doing something wonderful, as usual. He said this new law, “puts us clearly on the side of journalistic freedom,”.

Well, hot damn! That is just what we needed, isn't it? After all, who reads the Constitution and Bill of Rights anymore anyhow, right?  Eh....psssst.... didn't we already kinda sorta do this with the 1st Amendment... something about freedom of the press?

Apparently, some maggot deep in the bowels of this decaying carcass of an Administration decided the State Department doesn't have enough to do trying to keep turd world countries like Iran from building a nuclear bomb and putting terrorists on the no-fly list. No, they need to be keeping tabs on all the other countries of the world so they don't violate journalistic the name of human rights. Yeah, let's not worry about those no-fly lists and expired visas, lets spend more of our time protecting those Al Jazeera reporters running around picking up the latest video tape release of 'Bin Laden Does Manhattan'.

But, here comes the irony. The name of this new law we didn't need is the "Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act".  Yeah, Pearl, as you will recall, was that guy who got his head ceremoniously removed to the peaceful chants of Allah Akbar by a bunch of radical Islamic terrorists - the same radical Islamic terrorists that the Obama administration refuses to call radical Islamic terrorists, even when it is clearly obvious to every man, woman and child on the face of mommy earth, outside the Obama Administration, that they are, in fact, radical Islamic terrorists.

I am willing to bet my entire life savings that the 'Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act' does not contain the phrase, "radical Islamic terrorists".  Any takers?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Carnac the Magnificent Returns!

Answer: Profiling, unconstitutional and it's written by white racist Republicans.
Question: Name 3 things you don't like about the Arizona immigration law.

We may have lost Johnny to the great Improv in the sky, may he rest in peace, but it's really reassuring to know that Carnac is still walking among us! Yes he is, and doing his act brilliantly and with such clairvoyance that he can determine even without having read it, that a piece of legislation is going to result in racial profiling and is unconstitutional. Well, hell! What do we need the Supreme Court for anyway? Just let Carnac the Magnificent Holder put the “hermetically sealed” bill up to the side of his head and he can tell us everything that is in it and also what it will lead to..... before a single word of it has even gone into effect!
Wow! What brilliant minds we have working for us in the magnificent Obama Administration! Now, if we can just get Mr. Carnac to use some of that clairvoyance of his on the war on terror. He and everyone else in the Administration has decided not to "jump to any conclusions" about the rather obvious connection of radical Islam to all the terrorism going on for the last 50 years. Let’s just ask him to hold the case files of all the terrorist acts committed or attempted to date up to his head and see if he can figure out if radical Islam has anything at all to do with them.

Answer: Ties to radical Islam
Question: What is common to almost every terrorist act committed in the last 50 years?

Can ya try that one, Mr. Holder? I think a child could figure it out, or even a rookie cop, so it shouldn’t be too hard for the Nation’s top law enforcement official like you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

slip, slip, slippin' away

.....down that slippery slope of smarmy slime. Oh, how their loins ache to do good - to make the World better. They devote their lives to tearing down institutional walls of oppression, and erecting instead, laws of oppression for the "common good". Never mind the will of the common majority or common sense or even Common Law. They are doing good, so, just go screw yourselves, you gun toting, Bible thumpin' flag wavers. Mama knows best what's good for ya, and now she's got herself, or shortly will have, a brand new black robe and she's gonna grease the skids on that slippery slope straight toward dominatrix despotism. Yeehaw! Slap my ass and call me Judy! Or, Elena, as it were.

Yep, hold onto yer hats, boys, this is gonna be one hell-of-a ride. Before this Mother of all Activist Lesbos is through re-interpreting your Rights, you'll be lucky if you can walk down the street without a leash and collar held firmly by your feminist mastress. A stone cold liberal with a life time license to reek havoc on the Constitution in the name of “doing good” would be bad enough. But this one is special. This one doesn’t even like “us“ in, “us” men.

Either that or, after 50 years and almost as many college degrees, she still hasn’t somehow been able to find a man she was willing to shack up with on a permanent, or apparently even on a temporary basis. ...... not that there’s anything wrong with that..... But, let’s face it. Rumors and speculation aside, that seems to indicate a very strong aversion to “us” if nothing else, if you know what I mean......not that there’s anything wrong with that.

That being the case, and it appears that it is, the prospect of her sitting on the Supreme Court for the next 30+ years is enough to give me a severe case of shrinkage.... not to mention a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach every time I see the face that only a pet gerbil could lick.

The Supreme Court is supposed to interpret the Constitution. But, as we all know, Liberals consider that notion just all soooo 200 years ago. These hard core Lefty do-gooders see it quite differently. Kagen is quoted as saying, “I think all of us were right to say, ‘Here are the cases which the court is likely to do good things with from your perspective, and here are the ones where they’re not‘.” Therefore, it doesn’t matter that they are supposed to merely interpret the Constitution, she thinks her job is to use her power to “do good”, as her “hero” and mentor Justice Marshall would want. It’s all part and parcel of that whole “social justice” thing. Use the power of government to do social work, to right wrongs, spread the wealth and most importantly, to protect us from ourselves, because we aren’t as enlightened as they are.

So just forget about all that founding fathers stuff. Constitution? What’s that? 2nd Amendment? Phooey! Nonsense! “The people”? Oh, obviously that silly old term means “an army of people” like, eh,...a militia....or, something. Arms? Well, that obviously was an old old term going back to ancient Greek times and has always meant an army of arms. To take up arms meant that the local King would give their peasants arms to protect “him”, not themselves, Oh No. No no no. To “keep and bear arms” only means that the government can keep them and just pass them out in an emergency.

I think it’s about time to start digging that hole now to store all of our stuff that Kagen and her army of do-gooders will be trying to take away from us.... for our own good, of course.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

It’s just the 500 lb gorilla in the room, stupid

And I don’t mean Kagen. It’s the other hairy, hulking, reeally obvious hot potato everyone is tip toeing around.

The White House is denying it. Politico is denying it. 40 paid witnesses are denying it. Fox Snooze is afraid to mention it. They know what’s up and they’re just bustin’ at the seems hoping someone else breaks the story because they’re too chicken to say it and it’s such a great story! It took me about 30 seconds to Google: “Kagen, lesbian“, and I had all the information I needed to make a fairly accurate assessment of her orientation.... not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But, apparently, back at Harvard, it’s just common knowledge. She’s a lesbian! OK, there. I said it. So, today we have this picture of her playing softball on the cover of the Wall Street Journal and it’s all the rage. The Left is going cookoo for coconuts accusing the WSJ of some subliminal suggestion that, OH MY GOD, Kagen is a lesbian, as if it was ever in doubt. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out, Sherlock. Like I said, it took me about 30 seconds, (with a slow connection), to confirm my suspicions and I hadn’t even seen that picture of her playing softball. ... but, I knew she was fond of playing it.

Maybe I’m just more astute at these things than all these other folks but I kinda had a suspicion just from looking at her face and then her hard core Leftist politics, her crusade against the Military because of don’t-ask-don’t-tell and viola’, I was dead on target. Well, whut’dya know ‘bout that?  The only evidence missing from that resume was a stint at Planned Parenthood and membership in NOW.

But, oh what a wicked web we weave, when first we practice to deceive. This whole little episode was so obviously orchestrated by the savvy spin scheisters in the Obama liars den, that only a typical Democrat voter couldn’t see the strategy. They picked her because of her orientation in the hopes that the Right-wingers would be caught in the same kind of political correctness trap that Obama used to insulate himself from any and all criticism. If we disagree with her qualifications, it’s because we are just bigots.

It’s a hell-of-a good plan. It almost always works. But this time it was really special because they all knew it, of course, (how could they not?), but they just sat back and pretended not to know it. She’s not only a lesbian, but she’s a closet lesbian. She has total immunity from even the slightest speculation or innuendo. i.e. the softball photo. At least with Obama, nobody could deny his blackness, even though he’s really only half black, but any criticism drew immediate race card privileges from the Left.

I can just see the confirmation hearings now, if some Republican Senator brings up her extra curricula activities, HE’S A BIGOT! He made references to softball! If a Republican Senator asks Kagen how she feels about gays in the military, HE’S A BIGOT! If any Republican Senator even says the word Military, HE’S A BIGOT. He mentioned the Military which is code for “lesbo hates military“! They probably better not even mention Harvard because everyone knows the place is full of lesbos.... BIGOT!! HE MENTIONED HARVARD!!!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Well, welcome to the freakin' party, Liberals

The esteemed Mr. Eric Holder, the US Attorney General for the Obama administration, has demonstrated his radical left-wing bona fide on several occasions now. If there was any doubt as to his left leaning political ideology, one need only consider Mr. Holder's decision to try the 9/11 masterminds in civilian courts.... in New York City! There is no question the guy is a radical.... I'm referring to the radical Sheik Mohammed, not the radical schmuck Holder. He is a foreign national and was captured in Afcrapistan or some other turd world rat hole and there is no question as to whether or not he is an enemy combatant or should be so designated. He should be tried in a military tribunal and then promptly executed using the most painful process conceivable..... Burned alive at the stake comes to mind. Holder, on the other hand, should just be slapped around a bit and made to crawl on his hands and knees through broken glass to beg forgiveness from the survivors of the 3000 9/11 victims for even suggesting the 9/11 terrorists should be given any rights at all. But, that's just my opinion....
That is why it is very interesting now to see Mr. Holder whining about having to abide by the Miranda Rule, that liberal landmark of judicial activism that said cops are all brutal thugs and that criminals have to be advised of their right not to talk to them. He wants to have the rule changed now, so he can do his job a little bit easier. How convenient.

The Miranda Rule stems from the infamous 1966 Supreme Court decision intended to stop cops from using all those terrible interrogation techniques designed to get completely innocent people to confess to crimes they didn't commit. Yep, the black robed soothsayers had watched a few too many B movies that showed the cops "working over" suspects in the interrogation room. Those brilliant legal minds arrived at the mysterious conclusion that the Constitution said, (somewhere), that cops must advise suspects of their rights, and among other things, to have a lawyer, who then invariably tells the suspect to shut up. Case closed, or at least the investigation usually grinds to a screeching halt.

The Robes had spoken. Or, you could say, the Robespierrers had spoken. In any case, as a result of the Miranda decision, cops always have to "read the rights". We've all seen it a kazillion times on TV and people think it is written in the Constitution somewhere that it has to be done. Hint: check it out. It ain't there. As usual, the Robes and legal scholars just say it's there and they'll argue until the cows come home that it is in there, but it ain't.

Therefore, since we are a "nation of laws, not men"....(unless those men are wearing black robes), we are stuck with the iconic dialog, "You have the right to remain silent....". It may as well be part of the damn 10 Commandments. The law enforcement community has learned to live with it and nobody even questions it now.... except Mr. Holder, apparently. Cops have been shackled with this ridiculous impediment to investigative crime fighting for decades. There is no telling how many scumbags have walked, confessions and even slight incriminating statements thrown out because of the exclusionary rule and little technicalities regarding that liberal Miranda decision.

In their overzealous activism to protect criminals from "evil cops" just trying to do their jobs, the public became the ultimate victim of the black robed administrators of "social justice". Cops are bad. Criminals are just victims of a racist system....blah blah blah. We know the liberal mantra. It's better for a thousand murderers to walk free, than to have one innocent person coerced into confessing to a crime he didn't commit by some mean cop saying something like, " Ah come on Joe. Get it off your chest. You'll feel better." Yeah, that was considered a coercive psychological technique.

So, fast forward to 2010 and we have poor ol' liberal Eric Holder who done got himself smack dab between a Barrack and a hard place. Here we have a radical "social justice" liberal Attorney General, to put it mildly, faced with having to deal with this dang ol' Miranda thing for which, of course, he was a strong advocate up until just recently. He wants sooo bad to be a good little smarmy liberal and prosecute all these terrorists in civilian court, but at the same time his entire ideological makeup is screaming to be an advocate for their constitutional rights. How does he sleep at night? Poor thing must be beside himself.

He's being pounded for failing to do his job, but he can't because he wants to treat terrorism like some 7-11 stop-n-rob crime because after all, "we were asking for it". But, to do that, he knows he must abide by that pesky Miranda rule that he loves so much. Oh my. What is a good liberal to do?

It wouldn't be a problem if he'd just hand them over to the CIA, interrogate the hell out of them and then, if they can still breath, give them to the Military to hold until they get around to having some kind of trial..... maybe....someday. All perfectly legal. Even the Robes say that's just hunky dory with them as long as they don't water board them or "torture" them with some other method akin to a frat house hazing ritual.

Frankly, I hope he is successful in getting an exception for the Miranda rule for terrorists suspects. Perhaps it would then open the door for a complete reversal of Miranda which never should have been foisted upon law enforcement in the first place. If it's ok to interrogate a terrorist suspect without his ACLU lawyer present to shut him up, then why not a guy like O.J. Simpson?

Monday, May 10, 2010

We don't need no stinkin' judges.....

But how about a nice fat, ugly closet lesbo? Now, there's a choice for ya, Obama. Just what the country needs on the US Supreme Court...FOR LIFE!

Kinda looks like that's his choice, though. Elena Kagan. Yep, a professional student and law professor who has never actually been a real judge herself, but she did play one at Harvard a few times. Her credentials, you ask, to be appointed for life to the nation's highest court?.... Well,.... she's got a lesbian partner and eh.... well, she taught law a LOT... but, hasn't really actually practiced law very much.....or, been an actual judge of any kind, but hey, there's all these vicious rumors out there, (we don't know where they came from...white house),  that she's a closet lesbo. ....OK, that's enough for the Obama administration! Heck yeah! After all, he hasn't really been keeping his promises to that part of his base so far. He needs to shore up the base, ya know. It's time to get all those gaylesbiantransgendercrossdressing perverts back in the tent.

Sure, why not? After all, as the dean of Harvard law school she BANNED THE MILITARY from recruiting on the sacred campus because of their don't-ask-don't-drop-the-soap policy on homos. She's obviously a bona fide LIBERAL and that's enough to become a Supreme Court Justice in Obama's esteemed opinion. Oh yeah, and she did work for the Clinton administration, so heck, she's a shoe-in.

Well, it was enough of a resume for Obama to appoint her to be his Solicitor General, so why not a Supreme Court justice? She did clerk for one once. The little tiny fact that she never actually donned the black robe herself is just insignificant. Who cares about little stuff like that, eh? She did don a white toga a few times in college, most likely. And OH, I bet she looked delicious, don't you?

And who knows, maybe she'll win a Nobel Peace Prize next year for all her brave work to keep the military from recruiting on her campus, or just for having never been a judge but simply because she's always wanted to be one. And we know that's what reeeally matters. It's what's in your heart, and maybe what's on your nose but not what's on your resume.

Ya know, the best part of having Obama as our president is that we get to see just what kind of folks are out there, running our law schools, deciding our laws, in charge of our military, creeping around the back halls of congress and our national security agencies. Ain't it grand?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

When in Rome...

So, have ya seen the latest outrage yet?

NBC News, Bay Area, San Francisco, May 6, 2010,
Students Kicked Off Campus for Wearing American Flag Tees

Apparently, some students had to leave campus on the 5th of May for wearing an otherwise uncontroversial and perfectly legal and acceptable shirt representing the USA flag. On any other day of the year, it is perfectly OK, but on a Mexican holiday, (not recognized as such by the Federal, State or local government), the school officials decided it was just too "incindiary". On it's face, the very idea is disturbing. Might cause fights??? Is that not a recognition that there is something terribly wrong with a large segment of the school population?.... not to mention the judgement of the school officials, their own biases and priorities?

Well, it's California after all. We all know the Left coast has been off the reservation for so long now that there is just about nothing they do that would surprise us. A story like this one is a perfect example of why that is.

The 5th of May to most Americans means nothing more than a good excuse to stop off at their local Mexican food restaurant for some enchiladas and refried beans.... Maybe throw back some beers at their favorite pick-up joint. Of course, we can do that just about any old time anyhow, so what's so special to Americans, or shall I say more expressly, United States citizens, about a nationalistic Mexican celebration, their equivalent to our 4th of July, that most of them down there IN Mexico don't even pay much attention to? 

But, for some unexplainable reason, once a Mexican crosses the border into the United States, he suddenly develops a hyper sensitive identity crisis and is "offended" to the point of violence by the mere sight of an American flag on the 5th of May?  Ridiculous as this sounds, it is even more ridiculous for someone born in this country to have such a reaction and to feel "disrespected".

"I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican Heritage Day," Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, said. "We don't deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn't do that on Fourth of July."

DISRESPECTED???!!!  Well, excuuuuuse me, young lady, but this is after all, still the US of A, last time I checked, and yes that does still include California...or most of it.  Parts of LA, I'm not so sure about these days....

As for her wearing a Mexican flag on the 4th of July, who would give a rip? Go ahead and WEAR ONE!! Make it into a freaking bikini and go strutin' across campus for all I care. Stick a fire cracker up your ass too, while you're at it. .... a very big one. Better yet, a piccolo pete would do nicely and much more befitting of your personality - a loud, whining, screaming mimie.

Then, of course, we must address the school official, a vice-principal Miguel Rodriguez, who decided to demand the removal of the USA flag attire, based on the fear of it causing a fight. I'd like to see someone stick a roman candle up his ass as he is tarred, feathered and run out of town on a really rough rail.

"the administrators called their T-shirts "incendiary" that would lead to fights on campus."

So, due to their "heritage" this select group of students are somehow immune to civil discourse or normal behavior standards? We must treat them on one day of the year as if they are such sensitive children, we must all walk on eggs lest they have a temper tantrum and go off and stab somebody?

If the school didn't allow any political displays, no gang affiliations or colors, no religious expressions and didn't pander to any particular "heritage" other than USA heritage, maybe this little problem would not have reared its ugly head. Maybe if the school system was not engaged in a deconstructivist agenda to denigrate THIS country and it's heritage, perhaps these Americans of another heritage wouldn't be so quick to adopt another country's cultural identity. When in Rome, do as the Romans do or you'll find yourself mucking out their toilets for a living.....if you're lucky. If you're not, well, there may be an opening down at the Coliseum in a lion act......and not as a handler.

I blame the school for allowing the celebration of another sovereign nation's revolution or even the recognition of such on school grounds. Put the kids in uniforms, orange jumpsuits would be appropriate, and make them swear allegiance to the flag of THIS COUNTRY every day. Perhaps that would remind them all where the hell they are and who the hell they are and who the hell is paying for their free freaking education!!

And fire the school administrators responsible for this offensive affront to OUR COUNTRY for "disrespecting us in OUR OWN COUNTRY and causing the situation in the first place by pandering to the nationalistic celebration of another country by a select group, (bigotry much?).  

If schools wish to devote some class time to the mention of Cinco de Mayo as it relates to a general discussion of  other cultures or the relevance of the history of Mexico as it relates to OUR OWN, that would not be a problem. It is when it is allowed to become a celebration on campus equal to, if not bigger and more sacred than the 4th of July, then we have a serious problem.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Is it time for another "gate"? How about "Failure-gate"?

"WASHINGTON (AP) - The no-fly list failed to keep the Times Square suspect off the plane."

So, after 9 years and several failed attempts, and God only knows how much money spent, our national security agencies, airlines employees, ATA and Dept of Justice genius's are still unable to come up with a simple, efficient and user friendly computer data base system, that can be accessed and updated any easier than this blog page. Speaking of gates, where's Bill on this? Hey, Mr. Microsoft, how 'bout you put the geeks to work on this problem for a while. I bet you could make a few more $billion off the Federal Government while solving this apparent mystery of data base wizardry.

How hard can it possibly be to simply allow airline ticket agents issuing boarding passes for any plane allowed to fly in US air space, to log into a central data base, like NCIC, National Crime Information Center, and download the names for a quick check to see if any of them are on the no-fly list?  Or how about, instead of spending their time standing there watching people struggle with that piece of crap self check-in throwback to the Atari for tots terminal, the ticket agents just go back to doing it the old fashioned way of doing it themselves and as they enter the damn name, it automatically gets compared to the NCIC, no-fly list, that can be instantly updated nationwide with the flick of a middle finger on a keyboard in some remote, top secret national security clearing house of Homeland Security information. By the way, the technology existed to do it back in the 70's, if I'm not mistaken.

But, something tells me that political correctness has reared its ugly head once again and that is why we can't just simply input these names to a data base like NCIC.... even for EMERGENCIES!!!  How much ya wanna bet that some damn ACLU lawyer at the DOJ has decided that if you put those names of certain protected class people willy nilly on the list, they might get offended and OH MY GOD we can't have any of that, now can we?  It's just so much more important that we don't offend anyone of any certain, unnamed religion or ethnicity than to actually do ANYTHING remotely sufficient to protect the public at large from being blown into little pieces all over the sky, or even downtown Manhattan.

That bastion of  legendary cover-ups, the 9/11 Commission, has been credited on several resent occasions as having inspired the "connect the dots doctrine" of national security failure excuses. That one accomplishment should be its epitaph because it has been used so many times by the current regime of n'er-do-wells and bungling buffoons as to make the "connect the dots" doctrine a legendary piece of political spin far superior to anything the Clintons devised to evaporate the stain on that infamous blue dress. But I digress....

Since the original sin of Watergate, we've had Monica-gate, File-gate, Travel-gate, Trooper-gate, Tail-gate, Memo-gate, and who could forget Nipple-gate?... and if that weren't enough gates, we now have "no-fly-gate". Or, maybe it will be tagged, "connect the dots-gate", or simply "failure-gate".

I think more appropriately we should just now refer to this whole bungling buffoonery, foisted upon the American people by the Leftist movement, as "Obama-gate". The whole Socialist Democrat, smarmy liberal progressive inspired disaster is culminating in  the worst  "gate" to ever be plastered upon the tabloid pages of popularized political pulp.

But, for now, let's just call it "failure-gate".

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3rd Time's the Charm....well, maybe next time

So let's see now. Since the Messiah and his merry band of socialist thugs, tax cheats and incompetent boobs took control of the country, we've had a total of 3 genuine terrorist attacks from Al Qaeda with one of them successful and two of them failures. Of course, neither of those failures can be attributed to the Messiah Administration's Justassed Department or Homeland Insecurity. No,  the safety of We the People has hinged on the momentary incompetence of the morons of the Islamic radical world. In other words, just plain luck.

In the case of the "underpants bomber", his bomb malfunctioned. Had it gone off as planned, several hundred innocent lives would have been destroyed and untold damage done to the airlines industry, AGAIN, and who knows how much damage on the ground.

Of course we know all too tragically that the mass murdering Islamic terrorist at Fort Hood was successful and we all know why. The government failed miserably to detect and remove him from the military due to political correctness, in spite of a long trail of warning signs. Plain and simple. Let's not offend anyone. And, last I heard, nobody has lost his job yet over it. Those 13 innocent murder victims are the direct result of an incompetent, cowardly military command staff, that should be held criminally liable through their gross negligence in kicking that piece of shit down the road to the next unsuspecting commander. And not one thing will be done to change things in the military to prevent something like this from happening again, because the report done to determine the causes, never address them. Islamic terrorism is never mentioned.

And now we have a 3rd incident where the bomb just failed to go off because the idiot didn't use the correct fertilizer and, of course, due to the diligence of our brilliantly enlightened mass media, the terrorist all know why. So, next time they will at least have that part figured out. Thank you, Media for once again being our own worst enemy!

If I were a New Yorker, I'd be scared to death right about now. Your number is up and your mayor is an idiot. "Mayor Bloomberg said that so far there was "no legitimate evidence" the Taliban or al Qaeda were involved."

Apparently they have nabbed the suspect named, as we might have guessed, Faisal Shahzad. What else?
Now, the question remains - will Eric Holder mirandize the puke and give him the name of a good ACLU lawyer, or hand him over to the Military to convict him of treason, since he is a naturalized citizen, and terrorism, since he had ties to a foreign enemy,  and then execute his filthy ass? 

Monday, May 3, 2010

The Throne of Ol' El Patron

Me ol' El Patron could not find a throne,
His plight was nothing but dreadful.
He looked high and low but where could he go?
He feared he'd soon have a pant full.

But then from his chivy he spotted a privy
and knew that it'd just have to do.
He slammed on the pedal until he hit metal
And felt the warm trickle of poo.

With clenched cheeks he ran, from the car to the can.
Eyes bulging he knew this was it.
He reached for the light but oh what a sight
The damn thing was covered in shit.

So into the night he drove with a fright,
The smell in the car it was awful.
His pants now were loose, and leaked like a goose.
And to think the whole thing it was lawful!

He looked for a stop, some place he could plop,
and get into some clean pantelones.
But out of the night came that flashing red light.
All is lost. It's the cops. Ayi cajones!

With lights all a flashing the cops went to bashing.
Me poor El Patron he was dying.
He told them the truth but they knocked out his tooth
And told him they thought he was lying,

So there in the goo, he knew he was through.
No help from these guys he was taking.
It was back to the border and in no short order.
In the Mexican sun he was baking.